I've finally found time to upload some new and old work, that i scanned the other day. So if you happen to not know, I love Star Wars. I was sketching around one day and found myself looking at the cute face of the rancor during the winter break. Done in ink, watercolor and coffee staining.
Here I have some old work from high school, and from my portfolio for college. The first on the left is from 2007 I believe for an AP portfolio, called the Protector. It was done in color pencil and acrylic white. The three gold fish in the illustrator were actually my old pets when they were alive.
On the right is a self portrait i did for one of my portfolios for colleges in 2009.
Its of a praying dead stain glass Saint. The illustration was inspired by tattoos. This was an interesting color pencil picture i did. Now on to some newer work. The last three are from last 2010 summer. The all were done in ink, watercolor and color pencil.